
The Tenino Stone Carvers Guild was formalized in early 2023 to celebrate, and carry forward, the stone quarrying, cutting, and carving, heritage of the city of Tenino.

Master Stone Cutter Keith Phillips first came to Tenino in 1984, where he interacted with, and fell under the tutelage of the last of the city’s elder stone carvers. This bridged a generational gap, while keeping their skills, knowledge, and customs, alive.

Through commissions, consignments, and education, The Tenino Stone Carvers Guild aims to extend this heritage to further generations.

The current carvers can be found at work in their showroom, “The Shed”, an historic old dirt floored feed storage building, on Saturdays from 10am - 3pm during the winter and 10am - 4pm during the summer at 147 Olympia Avenue, in the heart of Tenino.

Come witness the carvers at work in their period specific attire, and take a step back in time to visit “The Stone City’s” rich tapestry of history.


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